ASA Myanmar has branches in 5 regions (Yangon, Bago, Mon, Magway and Sagaing) with the largest number of branches in Yangon. ASA Myanmar is indirectly wholly owned by ASA International.
Population demographics
Total population: 50,279,900
Below poverty line: 24.8% (Poor), 32.9% (non-poor insecure)
Rural %: 35,401,957 (70.41%)
Urban %: 14,877,943 (29.59%)
Source: The 2014 Myanmar Population and Housing Census and Myanmar Living Conditions Survey 2017
Microfinance demographics
Estimated MF clients potential: 17.5 million
MF clients currently served: 4,878,270
Served/penetration: 27.88 %
Source: MMFA (Myanmar Micro-Finance Association)